Business Accounts for Gambling Companies

If you have been declined or refused a new business bank account because your business activity is involved with gaming or gambling, then we can help.

We can help all Gambling Companies


If you have been declined or refused a new business bank account because your business activity is involved with gaming or gambling, then we can help.

With all the mainstream bank account providers looking to avoid gaming and gambling business activities it often means either operating without a proper bank account or using other accounts which are not properly regulated or authorised.

We have access to various business accounts which are fully FCA regulated and approved which will actively accept any gaming or gambling business.

What facilities can you expect to get?


These Business Accounts for gambling companies are designed to accept any type of business activity and will often include all the following facilities:

  • Sort Code & Account number

  • Fully FCA Regulated & Approved

  • Internet & Mobile Banking

  • Business Debit Card linked to account

  • Accept Merchant Services facilities

  • Faster Payments


  • Quick Set-up

What type of gambling companies can we accept?


Gambling Account Applications Accepted

  • Online Gaming website

  • Betting Advice & Subscription Services

  • Roulette and Card Betting

  • Competition websites

  • Prize Draw businesses

Opening a High Street Bank Account - what are the issues with this?


There are a number of issues when trying to open a high street business bank account, not least of all they don’t accept any high risk businesses.

So if you need an account opened, a high street bank account is almost certainly not an option you can realistically expect to open.

If you are looking to open a Business Accounts for Gambling Companies, then you will need some specialist help to source an account that will accept any high risk business activities.

As such you should look for an account that will be willing to accept activities like gambling, gaming, competition or other similar activities.

If you have a business that is considered as ‘High Risk’ the mainstream banks will steer clear of these type of organisations, as they will not accept anything that is involved with either Gaming, Competition, Gambling etc.

We can still help - Apply Online Here

Business Bank Accounts.

We do not deal with any of the mainstream banks but we can open you a fully FCA Regulated & Authorised account regardless of your circumstances normally within a couple of days:

  • All High Risk Businesses - ACCEPTED

  • Directors with Adverse Credit - ACCEPTED

  • Non UK Residents business owners - ACCEPTED

Help when you need it most


Our application service for a business bank account is one that can normally be completed in a matter of days, so no waiting for an appointment or for long drawn out conversations about if you may or may not get accepted.

We offer a comprehensive and detailed business banking intermediary service to help find the best business bank account for you, and then to open that account as quickly as we possibly can, so that you can trade without delay. Apply Here now to get started